What Are the Best Sizes for Mushroom Spore Syringes?

When considering mushroom spore syringes, it is important to understand the best size to ensure the best results. Understanding the proper ratio of spores to the substrate will have a major effect on the outcome of the project.

mushroom spore syringe

Generally speaking, the best mushroom spore syringe size for a successful growth will depend on the amount of substrate the grower intends to inoculate. For smaller projects, 10 milliliters is usually a good size. It contains enough spores to easily fill jars and petri dishes that are 2-10 ounces of substrate, such as grain, sawdust, and agar. For projects that require larger amounts of substrate, a 20-milliliter syringe may be the best option.

It is also important to note the concentration of spores in a syringe and how this factor affects the size. Low spore concentration means that a larger syringe is needed to achieve the same number of spores required to achieve optimal growth. However, high spore concentration reduces the size of the syringe because the same number of spores is packed into a much smaller quantity of liquid. This is important to note, as the concentration of spores in a syringe will be listed on the label; growers must take this into consideration when choosing a size.

To ensure success, it is important to have the correct spore syringe size for the project; even if the substrate is cultured correctly, the ratio of spores to substrate is too low it may not grow. It is considered best practice to buy syringes of the correct size and spore concentration for the project. With the correct size and concentration, growers can be sure to achieve maximum productivity.

The post What Are the Best Sizes for Mushroom Spore Syringes? appeared first on Sacred Mushroom Spores.

Original post here: What Are the Best Sizes for Mushroom Spore Syringes?


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