The Role of Mushroom Spores in the Environmental Cycle and Their Impact on the Ecosystem

Mushrooms are the first terrestrial life forms on our planet, and their role in nature and their impact on the ecosystem is enormous. The mushroom is not only the part that we see above the ground; in fact, a significant portion of the fungus is located under the ground, formed by a complex network of thin filaments and branches called Mycelium. The Mycelium network is connected to all other plants. It is used for communication, exchanging nutrients, and collaborating for the proper functioning of the ecosystem.

psilocybe spores

Maybe you did not know that fungi left the aquatic environment before plants and animals and colonized the land, turning the planet into a place adapted to their needs. Thus, mushrooms have developed the mycelial network over the entire dry surface of the Earth, making it a complex network that coordinates everything that happens in the global ecosystem. The network functions as a referee who controls how other beings develop in the environment they coordinate.

Mushrooms are surviving organisms. Experiments were made in this regard, introducing spores in an oil pit. After a few weeks, the fungi had grown and developed their mycelium network, transforming, through the enzymes they secrete, the hydrocarbon from oil into carbohydrates that they fed on. It has also been discovered that fungi can survive by using radiation as a source of energy, similar to how plants use sunlight. Experiments using cultivated psilocybe spores indicate that these mushrooms, under carefully observed conditions, can help individuals recover from depression, anxiety, and ptsd.

The post The Role of Mushroom Spores in the Environmental Cycle and Their Impact on the Ecosystem appeared first on Sacred Mushroom Spores.

Original post here: The Role of Mushroom Spores in the Environmental Cycle and Their Impact on the Ecosystem


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