Physical vs. Mental Health Benefits of Magic Mushrooms

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Given that up to half of the people who use prescription drugs to manage depression report that they are still experiencing severe symptoms, researchers are exploring new options for treating this disease.

Recently, the focus has begun to be on psychedelic drugs previously considered “recreational”, such as psilocybin, which is found in magic mushrooms. There are now many clinical trials underway to test the effect psychedelic substances on people suffering from various disorders including depression, substance use disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and chain headache. The official approval of these substances as treatment options will largely depend on the results of the clinical trials, but these are still at least a few years away, as the researchers estimate, given that psilocybin is still illegal, which makes their research activity more difficult. If you are wondering where to buy mushroom spores for research, look at Sacred Mushroom Spores.

In addition to mental health benefits, it is estimated that psilocybin also has physical benefits, being able to improve athletic performance.

Athletes who use micro dosing report increased strength. The effect of psilocybin on their brain helps them maintain their concentration, resulting in improved reflexes and overall balance.

Psilocybin also increases cardiovascular resistance. The heart can work longer and pump harder, which is needed for endurance. Better heart function translates into higher physical endurance.

The improved performance is also attributed to the fact that psilocybin reduces social tension. When the athlete loses their ego, the body can focus its energy only on the exercise.

The post Physical vs. Mental Health Benefits of Magic Mushrooms appeared first on Sacred Mushroom Spores.

Original post here: Physical vs. Mental Health Benefits of Magic Mushrooms


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